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Cosher Bailey's Engine
Copshawholme Fair
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Copshawholme Fair Z:Webmaster C:Trad N:Folk N:Life M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:3/4=72 K:DMin A2|A4 AA|D2 D2 DD|A2 A3 A|c4 GG | w:On a Fri-day, it fell in the month of A-pril O'er the G4 GG|C4 CC|E4 EE|G4 c2 | w:hill came the morn' with the blithe sun-ny smile And A4 AA|D2 D2 D2|A4 AA|d4 AA | w:the folks were a-throng-ing the roads ev'ry-where Ma-king A4 AG|G4 Ac|E3 D D2|D4|] w:haste to be in at - Cop-shaw-holme Fair % W:1 W:On a Friday, it fell in the month of April, W:Over the hill came the morn' with the blithe sunny smile. W:And the folks were a-thronging the roads everywhere, W:Making haste to be in at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:2 W:I've seen them a-coming in from the mountains and glen, W:Both rosy-faced lasses and strapping young men W:With a joy in their heart and unburdened of care, W:When meeting old friends at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:3 W:There's lads for the lasses, there's toys for the bairns, W:There's jugglers and tumblers and folks with no arms, W:There's a ballad-singer here and a fiddler there, W:There are nut-men and spice-men at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:4 W:There are peddlers and there're potters and gingerbread stands, W:There are peepshows and puff and darts and the green caravans, W:There's fruit from all nations exhibited there W:With kale plants from Harwich at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:5 W:And now about the hiring if you want to hear tell W:You should ken it as a far as I've seen it myself. W:What wages they addle, it's ill to declare, W:The muckle they vary at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:6 W:Just the gal I have seen she's a strapping young queen. W:He asked what her age was and where she had been, W:What work she'd been doing, how long she'd been there, W:What wages she wanted at Copshawholme Fair. W: W:7 W:Just then the pit lass stood a wee while in gloom W:And she blushed and she scraped with her feet on the ground. W:Then she plucked up her heart and did stoutly declare, W:"I'll have five pound and ten at Copshawholme Fair." W: W:8 W:Says he, "But my lass, that's a very big wage." W:Then he, turning about like he'd been in a rage, W:Says, "I'll give ye five pounds but I'll give ye nae mair, W:And I think you maun tak' it at Copshawholme Fair." W: W:9 W:He took out a shilling for to hold the pit wench W:In case it might enter her head for to flinch, W:But she grabbed at it, muttering, "I should o' had mair, W:But I think I will tak' it at Copshawholme Fair." W: W:10 W:Now the hiring's over and off they all sprang W:In to the ballroom for to join in the throng, W:And "I Never Will Lie With My Mammy Nae Mair" W:The fiddles play briskly at Copshawholme Fair. W: W: W:11 W:Now this is the fashion they thus pass the day W:Till the night coming on they all hurry away, W:And some are so sick that they'll never go more W:With the fighting and dancing at Copshawholme Fair.
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Song Note
Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
The Song And The Story