(:redirect quiet=1:)
T:De'il Take The War!
c(c/4d/4e/2)d3/2c/2|c/2G/2 (A/4B/4)c/2 GE| (E/2G/2) (G/2c/2) (c/2d/2) (d/2e/2)|
(f/2e/2) (d/2c/2)d2|c(c/4e/4)f/2d3/2c/2| (c/2G/2) (A/4B/4)c/2GE|
(E/2G/2) (G/2c/2) (c/2d/2) (d/2e/2)| (g/4f/4e/2) (d/2c/2)c2:|
e(e/4f/4)g/2 e/2c/2 e/2c/2|B(B/4c/4)d/2 d/2B/2 d/2B/2| ee/2c/2 dd/2B/2|
c(d/4c/4)(B/4A/4)A3/2G/2| EG(G/4A/4)G/2 c/2G/2|E/2G/2 (G/4A/4)G/2G3/2G/2|
Acd3/2A/2|d3/4e/4 d/2c/2B3/2A/2|GG/2E/2Gc/2d/2| (f/2e/2) (d/2c/2)c2|]
W:De'il take the war, that hurried Willy from me,
W:Who to love me just had sworn.
W:They made him captain, sure, to undo me:
W:Woe is me, he'll ne'er return.
W:A thousand loons abroad will fight him,
W:He from thousands ne'er will run.
W:Day and night I did invite
W:To stay safe from the sword and gun:
W:I used alluring graces,
W:With muckle kind embraces,
W:Now sighing, then crying, tears dropping fall.
W:And had he my soft arms
W:Preferred to wars alarms,
W:By love grown mad, without Man of Gad,
W:I fear in my fit had granted all!
W:I washed and patched to make me look provoking,
W:Snares that they told me would catch the men,
W:And on my head a huge commode sat cocking,
W:Which made me show as tall again;
W:For a new gown too I paid muckle money,
W:Which with golden flowers did shine.
W:My love well might think me gay and bonny;
W:No Scotch lass was e'er so fine.
W:My petticoat I spotted,
W:Fringe too with thread I knotted,
W:Lace shoes, and silk hose, garter full over knee.
W:But oh! the fatal thought;
W:To Willy these are naught,
W:Who rid to towns, and rifled with dragoons,
W:When he, silly loon, might have plundered me!