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Jörg von Frundsberg
The Juice Of The Barley
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:The Juice of the Barley O:Ireland Z:webmaster C:Trad M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:A E/D/|CB,C A,CE|DFA A2E/D/| w:Down in Wa-ter-ford Town on a cold win-ter's night All the CB,C A,CE/E/ |DCD B,2E/D/| w:turf fires were burn-ing when I first saw the light- A- CB,C A,CE|DFA A2A/B/| w:drunk-en old mid-wife went tip-sy with joy As she cBA FEC|DCD B,ED | w: danced round the floor with her slip of a boy Sing-ing CB,C A,CE|A3 E2E/D/| w:bain-ne na mbó ar na gamh-na And the CCC DCB,|A,3- A,|| w:juice of the bar-ley for me % W:1 W:Down in Waterford Town on a cold winter's night W:All the turf fires were burning when I first saw the light W:A drunken old midwife went tipsy with joy W:As she danced round the floor with her slip of a boy W: W:ch W:Singing bainne na mbó ar na gamhna W:And the juice of the barley for me W: W:2 W:Well when I was a gossoon of eight years or so W:With me turf and me primer to school I did go W:To a dusty old schoolhouse without any door W:Where lay the schoolmaster blind drunk on the floor W: W:3 W:At the learning I wasn't such a genius I'm thinkin' W:But I soon beat the master entirely at drinkin' W:Not a wake or a wedding for five miles around W:But meself in the corner was sure to be found W: W:4 W:One Sunday the priest read me out from the altar W:Saying You'll end up your days with your neck in a halter W:And you'll dance a fine jig between heaven and hell W:And his words they frighten me, truth for to tell W: W:5 W:So the very next morning as the dawn it did break W:I went down to the vestry the pledge for to take W:And there in that room sat the priests in a bunch W:Round a big roaring fire drinking tumblers of punch W: W:6 W:Well from that day to this I have wandered alone W:I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none W:With the sky for me roof and the earth for me floor W:And I'll dance out me days drinking whiskey galore
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Song to be found in the following collection(s):
My Own Song Book