(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X:1 T:New Oysters Z:Webmaster C:Trad R:Round M:2/4 L:1/4


V:1 clef=treble name=1 V:2 clef=treble name=2 V:3 clef=treble name=3 score [ 1 2 3 ] K:C V:1 e2 | (e2 | e2) | (c2 | c2) | e2 | (e2 | e2) | (c2 | c2) | w:New oy - sters - New oy - sters - V:2 c c | c2 | C2 | (C2 | C2) | c c | c2 | C2 | (C2 | C2) | w:At a groat a peck - at a groat a peck - V:3 C D | E F | G G | E C | G2 | C D | E F | G G | E2 | C2 | w:Fetch us bread and wine if we may eat. Let us lose no time with such good % V:1 e2 | (f2 | f2) | e2 | (d2 | d2) | c2 :| w:New wale - fleet oy - sters V:2 C2 | (F2 | F2) | C2 | G2 | G2 | C2 :| w:Fetch oy - ster worth two pence V:3 G G | (A2 | A) F | (c2 | c2) | B2 | c2 :| w:meat A ban - quet for - a prince % W:New oysters, new oysters, new oysters, new! W:Have you any wood to cleave? W:Have you any wood to cleave? W:Have you any wood to cleave? W:What kitchen stuff have you maids? W:What kitchen stuff have you maids? W:What kitchen stuff have you maids? W:New oysters etc..... W:. W:New oysters, new oysters, new Walefleet oysters! W:At a groat a peck, at a groat a peck. W:Each oyster worth two pence. W:Fetch us bread and wine that we may eat. W:Let us lose no time with such good meat. W:A banquet for a prince. W:New oysters etc. % % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About New Oysters

Song Notes

Folk song references:

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Page last modified on 11 April 2022, at 2:47 GMT