(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X:1 T:Preab san Ól Z:Webmaster C:Trad O:Ireland L:1/4 M:3/4


K:G d/2 D/2 D/2 | "G" G B/2 d/2 c/2 B/2 | "Am" A E/2 G/2 F/2 E/2 | "D7" (D/2F/2) A/2 F/2 G/2 G/2 | w:Why spend your lei-sure be-reft of plea-sure A-ma-ssing trea_sure why scrape and

 "G" G z D/2 D/2 D/2 |G B/2 d/2 c/2 B/2 | "Am" A E/2 G/2 F/2 E/2 | "D7" (D/2F/2) A/2 F/2 G/2 G/2 | 

w:save? Why look so ca-nny at ev-ry pen-ny? You'll take no mo_ ney with-in the "G" G z/2 B/2 B/2 d/2 | e d/2 d/2 A/2 B/2 | "D7" c c/2 c/2 A/2 B/2 c/2 | D A/2 G/2 F/2 E/2 | w:grave Land-lords and gen-try with all their plen-ty Must still go emp-ty where-re they're D z/2 D/2 D/2 D/2 | "G" G B/2 d/2 c/2 B/2 | "Am" A E/2 G/2 F/2 E/2 | "D7" c c/2 c/2 A/2 B/2 c/2 | w:bound. So to my thin-king we'd best be drin-king Our glas-ses clin-king and round and "G" G z/2 || w:round. % W:English W: W:1. W:Why spend your leisure bereft of pleasure W:A massing treasure why scrape and save? W:Why look so canny at ev'ry penny? W:You'll take no money within the grave W:Landlords and gentry with all their plenty W:Must still go empty where 're they're bound. W:So to my thinking we'd best be drinking W:Our glasses clinking and round and round. W: W:2. W:King Solomon's glory, so famed in story, W:Was far outshone by the lilies guise, W:But hard winds harden both field and garden, W:Pleading for pardon, the lily dies. W:Life's but a bauble of toil and trouble, W:The feathered arrow, once shot ne'er found, W:So, lads and lasses, because life passes, W:Come fill your glasses for another round. W: W:3. W:The huckster greedy, he blinds the needy. W:Their strifes unheeding, shouts "Money down!" W:His special vices, his fancy prices, W:For a florin value he'll charge a crown. W:With hump for tramel, the scripture's camel W:Missed the needle's eye and so came to ground. W:Why pine for riches, while still you've stitches W:To hold your britches up? Another round! % W:Gaelic W:. W:1. W:Is iomaí slí sin a bhíos ag daoine W:ag cruinniú píosaí is ag déanamh stóir, W:is a laghad a smaoiníos ar ghiorra an tsaoil seo W:go mbeidh siad sínte faoi leac go fóill. W:Más tiarna tíre, diúc nó rí thú, W:ní rachaidh pingin leat is tú ag dul faoin bhfód. W:Mar sin is dá bhrí sin níl beart níos críonna W:ná bheith go síorraí ag cur preab son ól. W: W:2. W:An long thar sáile níl cuan nó cearda W:nach gcaithfeadh cairde ar fud an domhain mhóir W:ó ríocht na Spáinne agus suas Gibraltar W:Agus ins an áit a mbíonn an Grand Senor. W:Le gach lasta ag líonadh málaí W:ní choinneodh an bás uaidh uair nó dhó. W:Mar sin, a chairde, níl beart níos fearr dúinn W:ná bheith mar táimid ag cur preab san ól. % % % % % % % % % %]


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