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Skye Boat Song
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Skewball Z:Webmaster C:Trad (C18) M:3/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:Bb z2 F | B c d | c (B2 | (B3) | B) z B | w:Skew-ball was a race-horse, -- I B c d | (c3 | c3) | z2 c | w:wish he were mine -He c/2 d3/2 e | d (c2 | (c3) | c2) c | w:ne-ver drank wa-ter, --He A/2 B3/2 c | (B3 | (B3) | B2) z || w:al-ways drank wine % W: W:1 W:Oh Stewball was a racehorse, and I wish he were mine. W:He never drank water, he always drank wine. W: W:2 W:His bridle was silver, his main it was gold. W:And the worth of his saddle has never been told. W: W:3 W:Oh the fairgrounds were crowded, and Stewball was there W:But the betting was heavy on the bay and the mare. W: W:4 W:And a-way up yonder, ahead of them all, W:Came a-prancin' and a-dancin' my noble Stewball. W: W:5 W:I bet on the grey mare, I bet on the bay W:If I'd have bet on ol' Stewball, I'd be a free man today. W: W:6 W:Oh the hoot owl, she hollers, and the turtle dove moans. W:I'm a poor boy in trouble, I'm a long way from home. W: W:7 W:Oh Stewball was a racehorse, and I wish he were mine. W:He never drank water, he always drank wine.
Version 2
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Song to be found in the following collection(s):
The Song And The Story