(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 stretchlast X:1 T:The Gallant Frigate Amphitrite T:Around Cape Horn Z:Webmaster C:Trad M:C L:1/4


K:G A | G3/2 F/2 D/2 D3/2 | A3/2 B/2 c (E/2F/2) | G (A/2G/2) D D | D3 A | w: The gal-lant fri-gate Am-phi-trite she - lay in * Ply-mouth sound. Blue d3/2 d/2 (c/2B/2) A | d (d/2c/2) A D | G (A/2B/2) c B | A3 A/2A/2 | w:Pe-ter at * the fore-mast * head for she was * out-ward bound. We were d d (c/2B/2) A | (d3/2c/2) A D | G (A/2B/2) c B | A3 A | w:wai-ting there * for or * ders to send us * far from home. Our G3/2 F/2 D D | (A/2B/2) c2 (E/2F/2) | G (A/2G/2) D D | D3 || w:or-ders came for Ri * o and * thence a *round Cape Horn % w: W:1 W:The gallant frigate, Amphitrite, she lay in Plymouth Sound, W:Blue Peter at the foremast head for we were outward bound; W:We was waiting there for orders to send us far from home; W:Our orders they come for Rio, and thence around Cape Horn. W: W:2 W:When we arrived in Rio we prepared for heavy gales; W:We bent on all the rigging, me boys, bent on all new sails. W:From ship to ship they cheered us as we did sail along, W:And they wished us pleasant weather in the rounding of Cape Horn. W: W:3 W:In beating off Magellan Strait it blew exceeding hard; W:Whilst shortening sail two gallant tars they fell from the topsail yard. W:By angry seas the ropes we threw from their poor hands was torn W:We were forced to leave them to the sharks that prowl around Cape Horn. W: W:4 W:Now when we got round the Horn, my boys, we had some glorious days W:And very soon our killick dropped in Valparaiso Bay. W:Them pretty girls came down in flocks; I solemnly declare W:That they are far before the Plymouth girls with their long and curling hair. W: W:5 W:Because they love a jolly sailor when he spends his money free, W:They'll laugh, they sing, they merry, merry be, they enjoy a jovial spree. W:And when your money it is all gone they won't on you impose, W:They are not like them Plymouth girls that'll pawn and sell your clothes. W: W:6 W:So it's farewell to Valparaiso and farewell for a while, W:Likewise to all them pretty Spanish girls all along the coast of Chile; W:If ever l live to be paid off l'll sit and I'll sing this song: W:“God bless them pretty Spanish girls we left around Cape Horn.” % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About The Gallant Frigate Amphitrite

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Page last modified on 09 March 2022, at 23:43 GMT