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Row Dow Dow Or The Drum
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Row, Dow, Dow T:The Drum Z:Webmaster C:Trad Z:Webmaster M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=150 R:Air K:G G2|d2d2|d2 B>c|d2d2|d2 dd|e3 e|(d>c)B>A| w:Great Cae-sar once re-nown-ed in fame For a migh-ty arm - and a lau- (G>A) (B>c) |d2 DD|G2D2|B2G2|d2B2| w:lau - relled - brow With his "Ve-ni, vi-di, vi-ci" came, g3d|B2dd|g2 dc|B2G2|G2z2| w:came And con-quered the world with his row, dow, dow. B2B2|B2z2|d2d2|d3d|B2 d>d|g2 d>c|B2 G2|G2|| w:Row, dow, dow, row, dow, dow, And con-quered the world with his row, dow, dow % W: W:1 W:Great Caesar once renowned in fame W:For a mighty arm and a laurelled brow, W:With his "Veni, vidi, vici" came, W:And conquered the world with his row, dow, dow. W:(ch) W:Row, dow, dow, row, dow, dow, W:And conquered the world with his row, dow, dow W: W:2 W:And Marlborough when he took the field, W:The historians will tell you how W:At Blemheim and at Oudenarde, W:Great victories won with his row, dow, dow W: W:3 W:When Wellington met Bonaparte, W:'Twas just the same I will avow: W:Until at last at Waterloo W:The Frenchman ran from his row, dow, dow W: W:4 W:If when invaders dare to come W:Upon our shores, should fate allow, W:In freedom's cause we'll beat the drum W:And they'd all fly at its row, dow, dow
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