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Come Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Come Landlord Fill The Flowing Bowl Z:Webmaster C:Trad M:2/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=100 K:A P:chorus G/2 | A/2 E/2 C/2 E/2 | A/2 A/2 A/2 G/4A/4 | B/2 B/2 B/2 e/2 | c A/2 c/4B/4 | w:Come land-lords fill the flow-ing bowl un - til it doth run ov-er Come % A/2 E/2 C/2 E/2 | A/2 A/2 A/2 G/4A/4 | B/2 B/2 B/2 e/2 | c A/2 z/2 | w:land-lords fill the flow-ing bowl un - til it doth run ov-er % c3/4 c/4 c/2 e/2 | e/4 d/4 d/4 c/4 d | B3/4 B/4 B/2 d/2 | d/4 c/4 c/4 B/4 c | w:For to-night we'll me-rry me-rry be For to-night we'll me-rry me-rry be % A3/4 A/4 A/2 c/2 | c/4 B/4 B/4 A/4 B3/4 A/4 | G/2 E/2 F/2 G/2 | A A/2 z/2 | w:For to-night we'll me-rry me-rry be To-mor-row we'll be so-ber % P:verse (c/4B/4 ) | A/2 E/2 C/2 E/2 | A/2 A/2 A/2 (G/4A/4) | B/2 B/2 (B/2e/2) | c A/2 (c/4B/4) | w:The - man who drink-eth small beer And goes - to bed quite - sob-er, Fades- % A/2 E/2 C/2 E/2 | A/2 A/2 A/2 (G/4A/4) | B/2 B/2 (B/2e/2) | c A | w:as the leaves do fade That drop off - in Oc-to - ber - % W:ch W:Come Landlord fill the flowing bowl Until it doth run over, W:Come landlord fill the flowing bowl Until it doth run over, W:For tonight we'll merry merry be For tonight we'll merry merry be W:For tonight we'll merry merry be Tomorrow we'll be sober. W: W:1 W:The man who drinketh small beer And goes to bed quite sober, W:Fades as the leaves do fade That drop off in October. W: W:2 W:The man who drinketh strong beer And goes to bed right mellow, W:Lives as he ought to live, And dies a jolly fellow. W: W:3 W:But he who drinks just what he likes And getteth half seas over, W:Will live until he die, perhaps, And then lie down in clover. W: W:4 W:The man who kisses a pretty girl And goes and tells his mother, W:Ought to have his lips cut off, And never kiss another. W: W:5 W:The maiden who enjoys a kiss and comes back for another, W:She's a boon to all mankind and soon to be a mother. W: W:6 W:Come into the garden Maud And don't be so particular, W:For if the grass is very very wet, We'll do it perpendicular. W: W:7 W:If I had a pile of bricks I'd build my chimney higher. W:That would stop the neighbour's cat from pissing in the fi-er.
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Songs From Hazzards Huzzah