(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X:1 T:Finnegans Wake C:Trad O:Ireland Z:Webmaster N:Drinking M:4/4


L:1/4 K:C G | E/2E/2EED | EAAB | C/2C/2BAG | EDDz | w:Tim Finn-e-gan lived in Walk-in' Street A gen-tle I-rish-man migh-ty odd EE/2E/2D | EAAA/2B/2 | cB/2B/2AG | A/2A/2Bcz/2c/2 | w:He hada brogue so rich and sweet And to rise in the world he carr-ied a hod. Now cc/2c/2cd/2d/2 | cBAG/2G/2 | cc/2c/2cd | cBAz/2G/2 | w:You see he'd a sort of the tipplin' way, With a love for the liquor poor Tim was born, To cccd/2d/2 | cBAG/2G/2 | AA/2G/2AG | ABc3/2z/2 | w:To help him on with his work each day, He'd a "drop o' the cray-thur' ev'ry morn. EE/2E/2ED | EA/2A/2AB | c3/2B/2AG | E/2D3/2D2 | w:Whack fol the da now, dance to your partner Welt the floor your trotters shake E3/2E/2ED | EAAB | c3/2B/2AG | A/2A/2Bc2 | w:Was-n't it the truth I told you, Lots of fun at Fin-ne-gan's Wake. % W:Tim Finnegan lived in Walkin' Street W:A gentle Irishman mighty odd, W:He'd a beautiful brogue so rich and sweet W:And to rise in the world he carried a hod. W:You see he'd a sort of the tipplin' way, W:With a love for the liquor poor Tim was born, W:To help him on with his work each day, W:He'd a "drop o' the cray-thur" ev'ry morn. W:Whack fol the da now, dance to your partner W:Welt the floor your trotters shake W:Wasn't it the truth I told you, W:Lots of fun at Finnegan's Wake. W:. W:One mornin' Tim was rather full, W:His head felt heavy which made him shake, W:He fell from a ladder, and he broke his skull, W:And they carried him home his corpse to wake. W:They rolled him up in a nice clean ship, W:And laid him out upon the bed, W:A gallon of whisky at his feet, W:And a barrel of porter at his heed. W:. W:His friends assembled at the Wake, W:And Mrs. Finnegan called for lunch, W:First they brought in tay, and cake, W:Then pipes, tobacco, and whisky punch. W:Biddy O'Brien began to cry, W:Such a nice clean corpse did you ever see? W:Tim Mavourneen why did you die? W:Arrah hold your gob said Paddy McGhee. W:. W:Then Maggie O'Connor took up the job, W:Oh Biddy says she, you're wrong I'm sure, W:Biddy gave her a belt in the gob, W:And left her sprawling on the floor W:Then the war did soon engage, W:'Twas woman to woman, and man to man, W:#Shelelaigh law was all the rage, W:And a row, and a ruction soon began. W:. W:Then Mickey Maloney raised his head, W:When a noggin of whisky flew at him, W:It missed and falling on the bed, W:The liquor scattered over Tim. W:Tim revives see how he rises, W:Timothy rising from the bed, Said, W:Whirl your whisky around like blazes, W:Thanum an dial do you think I'm dead?" % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About Finnegans Wake

Song Notes

Folk song references:

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Page last modified on 08 March 2022, at 21:01 GMT