(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X:1 T:He Ain't Gonna Jump No More Z:Webmaster C: N:Tune "John Brown's Body" N:One version of many N:'packer' the young woman who packs parachutes. The parachutist's life depends N:on the skill of the packer. N:'tarmac' slang for runway. N:'four-by-two' a piece of cotton cloth, 4 inches by 2 inches (10cm by 5cm), small N:enough to pull through the barrel of a rifle to clean it. N:Humour % R: Jig M:6/8 K:D F/2G/2|"D"A2A "A7"A2G|"D"F2A d2e|"D"f2f f2e| w:The - S A S were jum-ping out at for-ty thou-sand "D7"d3 d2A|"G"B2A B2c|"G"d2e d2B| "D"A2B "A7"A2G| w:feet The S A S were jum-ping out at for -ty thou-sand "D"F3 "A7"F2G|"D"A2A "A7"A2G|"D"F2A d2e|"F#7"f2f f2e| w:feet The S A S were jum-ping out at for -ty thou-sand "Bm"d3 d2d|"E7"e3 e3| "A7"d3 c3|"D"d3 d2d|"D"d3 d2|] w:feet And he Ain't Gon-na Jump - No - More - % W:1 W:The S.A.S. were jumping out at forty thousand feet; W:The S.A.S. were jumping out at forty thousand feet; W:The S.A.S. were jumping out at forty thousand feet; W:He Ain't Gonna Jump No More W: W:2 W:The packer tied a love knot in the sergeant's parachute; W: W:3 W:The sergeant was the last to jump, the first to hit the ground; W: W:4 W:They scraped him off the tarmac like a lump of strawberry jam; W: W:5 W:They wrapped him up in four-by-two and sent him home to Mum; W: W:6 W:She put him on the mantelpiece for everyone to see; W: W:7 W:They buried him in a matchbox but he slipped out through the cracks. % % % % % % % % % %]


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