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In Praise Of The Ploughman
In Dublins Fair City
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%abc-2.1 %%stretchlast X:1 T: In Dublins Fair City T:Molly Malone Z:Webmaster C:Trad M:3/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:F C | "F" F F F | "Dm" F/2(A/2 A) A/2F/2 | "Gm" G G G | "C7" G/2(B/2 B) (A/2G/2) | "F" A3/2 G/2 F | w:In Dub-lin's fair ci-ty-, Where the girls are so pret-ty-, I - first set my "Dm" c3/2 B/2 A | "Bb" A3/2 G/2 F | "C7" G2 C | "F" F F F | F/2(A/2 A) F | "Gm" G G G | w:eyes on sweet Mol-ly Ma-lone, She wheeled a wheel-bar-row -Through streets broad and "c7" G/2(B/2 B) A/2G/2 | "F" A/2(c/2 c) B | "Dm" A/2(c/2 c) B | "F" A3/2 F/2 "C7" G | "F" F2 C | F F F | (F/2(A/2)A) F | w:nar-row, - Cry-ing, "Cock-les - and mus-sels, - a-live, a-live, oh!" "A-live, a-live, oh, -- A- "Gm" G G G | "C7" (G/2(B/2) B) A/2G/2 | "F" A/2(c/2 c) B | "Dm" A/2(c/2 c) B | "F" A3/2 F/2 "C7" G | "F" F3 || w:live, a-live, oh," -- Cry-ing "Cock-les - and mus-sels, - a-live, a-live, oh". % W: W:1 W:In Dublin's fair city, Where the girls are so pretty, W:I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone, W:As she wheeled her wheel-barrow, W:Through streets broad and narrow, W: W:ch W:Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!" W:"Alive, alive, oh, W:Alive, alive, oh," W:Crying "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh". W: W:2 W:She was a fishmonger, But sure 'twas no wonder, W:For so were her father and mother before, W:And they wheeled their barrows, W:Through the streets broad and narrow, W: W:3 W:She died of a fever, And no one could save her, W:And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone. W:But her ghost wheels her barrow, W:Through streets broad and narrow,
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Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
After The Campfire Song Book