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A Lyke Wake Dirge
Lullin' The Littlin'
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 %%stretchlast X:1 T:Lullin' The Littlin' C:Trad Z:Webmaster O:Scotland M:6/8 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:Eb c/2c/2B/2 G/2F/2E/2 | C/2 (B, B,3/2) | c/2c/2B/2 G/2F/2G/2 | (B3/2 !fermata!B) (e/4d/4) | w:Lie doon ma bon-nie wee litt-lin' -Roun' wi' yer een tae the wa' -Oh c/2c/2B/2 G/2F/2E/2 | C/2E3/4F/4 G/2 B | c3/4c/4c/2 B3/4G/4F/2 | (G3/2 G) z/2 |] w:lie doon ma bairn-ie an' sleep bon-nie sleep-ies Mam-my will rock ye a-wa' % W: W:1 W:Lie doon ma bonnie wee littlin' W:Roun' wi' yer een tae the wa' W:Oh lie doon me bairnie sleep bonnie sleepies W:Mammy will rock ye awa' W: W:2 W:Dream o' ye daddies wee boatie W:Sailin' sae blithe on the sea W:An' fin ye are waukent yer Daddy is comin' W:An' I'll tak' ye widin' wi' me. W: W:3 W:An'dream o' the bonnie wee wavies W:Dancin' sae blithe on the sea W:An' fin ye are waukent the tide will be turnin' W:An' I'll take ye widin' wi me. W: W:4 W:An' dream o' the bonnie wee buckles W:Nestlin' sae snug in the san' W:An' fin ye are waukent the gamies ye'll play there W:Wrapp'd in yer ain wonderlan' W: W:5 W:Sae lie doon ma bonn ie wee littlin' W:Roun' wi yer een tae the wa' W:Oh lie doon me bairnie sleep bonnie sleepies W:Mammy will rock ye awa'
Version 2
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Version 3
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Song to be found in the following collection(s):
The Song And The Story