(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 stretchlast X:1 T:Shenandoah C:Trad O:America early C19th. M:C| L:1/4


K:D z2 A,2 | D3/2 D/2 (D2 | D) E F G | B2 (A2 | A2) (d c) | w:Mis-sou-ri, she’s - a might-y ri-ver, - A- (B4 | B) A B A | F (A3 | A2) A2 | w:way - you rol-ling ri-ver - Mis B3/2 B/2 (B2 | B) F A F | E2 (D2 | D2) E2 | w:sou-ri, she’s - a might-y ri-ver, - A- (F4 | F) D F B | (A4 | A2) D E | w:way, - I’m bound to roam, A-cross the F3 D | E4 | D4 | w:wide Mis-sou-ri. % W: W:1 W:Missouri, she’s a mighty river, W:(ch))Away you rolling river W:Missouri, she’s a mighty river, W: W:ch W:Away, I’m bound to roam, W:Across the wide Missouri. W: W:2 W:Oh, Shena’do’, I love your daughter. W:Oh, Shena’do’, I love your daughter. W: W:3 W:‘Tis sev’n long years since last I see thee. W:‘Tis sev’n long years since last I see thee. W: W:4 W:Oh, Shena’do’, I took a notion W:To sail across the stormy ocean. W: W:5 W:Oh, Shena’do’, I long to hear you. W:Oh, Shena’do’, I long to hear you. % % % % % % % % % %]


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