(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 %abc-2.1

X:1 T:The Rout Of The Blues C:Trad C:Barry Dransfield (Arr) C:Robin Dransfield (Arr) M:3/4 L:1/4


K:G c | c2 ^G | (A c A) | ^G F E | F2 B,/2B,/2 | w:As I crossed o - ver Salis-bu-ry plain, Such a E F ^G | A c d | c2 c/2c/2 | w:dain-ty fine sight I be-hold, All the c A ^G | A c A | ^G F E | F2 B,/2B,/2 | w:las-ses are cry-ing and tea-ring their hair, For the E F ^G | A c d | c2 c/2c/2 | w:rout has just come for the Blues. For the c A ^G | F A F |1-5 E2 c :|6 E3 w:rout has just come for the Blues. Then Blues % W: W:1 W:As I crossed over Salisbury plain, W:Such a dainty fine sight I behold, W:All the lasses are crying and tearing their hair, W:For the rout has just come for the Blues. W:For the rout has just come for the Blues. W: W:2 W:Then each one home to her mother do run, W:Saying "My heart is undone it is true, W:I'll pack up my clothes without more delay W:And boldly I'll march with the Blues." W:And boldly I'll march with the Blues." W: W:3 W:The landlord and landlady walk hand in hand, W:And so do those pretty girls too W:And each one pours out a bottle of gin, W:To drink a good health to the Blues W:To drink a good health to the Blues W: W:4 W:Our ship she is rigged and she's ready to sail, W:And sweetly the French horns play too W:And each one sets up a loud huzzah W:"Success to King George and his Blues." W:"Success to King George and his Blues." W: W:5 W:They're as gallant young fellows as ever you'll see, W:Though you search bonny Britain all through W:When dressed in His Majesty's suit you'll agree W:There's none to compare with the Blues. W:There's none to compare with the Blues. W: W:6 W:As I crossed over Salisbury plain, W:Such a dainty fine sight I behold, W:All the lasses are crying and tearing their hair, W:For the rout has just come for the Blues. W:For the rout has just come for the Blues. % % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About The Rout Of The Blues

Song Notes

Song by Barry Dransfield and Robin Dransfield

Folk song references:

Alternative version(s) / title(s):

Page last modified on 12 April 2022, at 17:18 GMT