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The Vicar Of Bray
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:The Vicar of Bray C:Trad 18th. or poss 17th. C Z:Webmaster M: 4/4 L: 1/4 K: D "verse" A | d c/2B/2 A B | G A F G | A D G F | E2 D A | w:1~~In good King - Charles-s gol-den days when loy-al-ty no harm meant, A d c/2B/2 A B | G A F G | A D G F | E2 D A | w:zeal-ous - high church man was I and so I got pre-fer-ment. To d B c A | d (c/2B/2) c A | d (c/2d/2) e (d/2c/2) | B2 A A | w:teach my flock I ne-ver - miss'd, Kings were by - God a - ppoin-ted. And d (c/2B/2) A B | G A F G | A D G F | E2 D "chorus" A | w:lost are - those that dare re-sist or touch the Lord's an-oint-ed. And d (c/2B/2) c A | (d/2c/2) (d/2B/2) c A | d (c/2d/2) e (d/2c/2) | w:this is - law that I'll - maint - ain un-til my - dy-ing B2 A A | d (c/2B/2) A B | G A F G | A D/2D/2 G/2G/2 F | E2 d || w:day sir, that what so - ev-er King shall reign, still I'll be the Vicar of Bray, sir. % % W:verse 1 W:In good King Charles's golden days, W:When loyalty no harm meant, W:A zealous High Churchman was I, W:And so I got preferment; W:To teach my flock I never miss'd, W:Kings were by God appointed, W:And damn'd are those that do resist, W:Or touch the Lord's annointed. W: W:Chorus: W:And this is law, I will maintain, W:Until my dying day, Sir, W:That whatsoever King may reign, W:Still I'll be the Vicar of Bray, Sir. W: W:verse 2 W:When royal James obtain'd the crown, W:And Pop'ry came in fashion, W:The penal laws I hooted down, W:And read the Declaration; W:The Church of Rome I found would fit W:Full well my constitution; W:And had become a Jesuit W:But for the Revolution. W: W:verse 3 W:When William was our King declar'd, W:To ease a nation's greviance, W:With this new winf about I sterr'd, W:And swore to him allegence; W:Old principles I did revoke, W:Set conscience at a distance; W:Passive obedience as a joke, W:A jest was non-resistance. W: W:verse 4 W:When gracious Anne became our Queen, W:The Church of England's glory, W:Another face of things was seen, W:And I became a Tory, W:Ocaasional Conformists base, W:I damn'd their moderation, W:And thought the Church in danger was, W:By such prevarication. W: W:verse 5 W:When George in pudding time came o'er, W:And mod'rate men look'd big, Sir, W:I turn'd a cat-in-pan once more, W:And so became a Whig, Sir; W:And thus preferment I procur'd, W:From our new faith's defender, W:And almost ev'ry day abjur'd W:The Pope and the Pretender. W: W:verse 6 W:Th' illustrious house of Hanover, W:And Protestant succession, W:To these I do allegiance swear, W:While they can keep possession; W:For in my faith and loyalty W:I never more will falter W:And George my lawful King shall be, W:Until the times do alter.
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