(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X:1 T:There Was A Wyly Ladde C:Trad Z:Webmaster K: W:1 W:There was a wyly ladde met with a bonny lasse, W:Much pretie sport they had but I wot not what it was, W:Hee wooed her for a kisse, she plainely said him no W:I pray quoth hee, nay nay quoth shee, I pray you let me goe. W: W:2 W:Full many lovely terms did passe in merrie glee, W:He col'd her in his armes and daunc't her on his knee, W:And faine he would have paide such debts as he did owe, W:I pray quoth hee, nay nay quoth shee, I pray you let me goe. W: W:3 W:Sweete be you not so nice to gratifie a friend, W:If kissing be a vice, my sute is at an end. W:Noe noe it is the rule to learne a man to woe, W:I pray quoth hee nay nay quoth shee, I pray you let me goe. W: W:4 W:For Cupid hath an eye to play a lovers part, W:And swift his arrowes flie to leavell at the hart, W:Thy beauty was my bane that brought me to his bowe, W:I pray quoth hee, nay nay quoth shee, I pray you let me go.. W: W:5 W:Good Sir alas you feed your fancie with conceit. W:Sweete sweete how should we speede if lovers could not speke. W:I speke but what I wish, the spirit wils me so, W:I pray quoth hee, nay nay quoth shee, I pray you let me go. W: W:6 W:With that shee swore an Oath, and loth she was to breke it, W:And so to plese them both, he gave and she did take it, W:There was no labour lost, true amitie to show, W:Adew quoth hee, nay stay quoth she, Let's kisse before you go


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