(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 X: 1 T:Maids when you're Young T:An Old Man He Courted Me Z:Webmaster C:Trad M:3/4 R:waltz L:1/8 K:D G2|"D"A2 d2 d2|d2 A2 d2|f4 f2|"A7"e2 c2 A2-|A6-|A4 w:An old man came cour-ting me, Hey ding do-rum dow - - A2|"D"A2 d2 d2|d2 A2 d2|f2 e2 d2|"A7"a6|e6-|e4 w:An old man came cour-ting me, Me be-ing young - - a2|"D"a2 f2 a2|"G"g2 e2 c2|"D"d2 e2 f2|"G"B2 A2 G2| w:An old man came cour-ting me, He did pro-pose to me "D"A2 f2 d2|"Em"B2 g2 e2|"A7"c2 B2 c2|"D"d6-|d4 A2| w:Maids when you're young ne-ver wed an old man. - For d2 d2 d2|d2 A2 d2|f4 f2|"A7"e2 c2 A2|"D"A2 d2 d2 | w:For he's got no fa-loo-rum, fal-diddle-eye-oo-rum. He's got d2 A2 d2|f2 e2 d2|"A7"a6-|a4 a2| w:no fa-loo-rum, fal-diddle-eye-ay. He's "D"a2 f2 a2|"G"g2 e2 c2|"D"d2 e2 f2|"G"B2 A2 G2| w:got no fa-loo-rum, he's lost his ding-doo-rum. So "D"A2 f2 d2|"Em"B2 g2 e2|"A7"c2 B2 c2|"D"d6-|d4|| w:maids when you're young ne-ver wed an old man % W:1 W:An old man came courting me, Hey ding doorum dow; W:An old man came courting me, Me being young; W:An old man came courting me, He did propose to me; W: W:(chorus) W:Maids when you're young never wed an old man. W:For he's got no faloorum, fal-diddle-eye-oorum, He's got no faloorum, fal-diddle-eye-ay; W:He's got no faloorum, he's lost his ding-doorum, W:Maids when you're young never wed an old man. W: W:2 W:When we sat down to tea He started teasing me; W:. W:3 W:When we went up to bed He lay as if were dead; W: W:4 W:When he was fast asleep I from his side did creep W:Into the arms of a handsome young man. W: W:Now he's got faloorum, fal-diddle, eye-oorum, W:Now he's got faloorum, fal-diddle, eye-ay; W:Now he's got faloorum, he's got her ding-doorum, W:Maids when you're young never wed an old man. % % % % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About Maids When Youre Young

Song Notes

Folk song references:

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Song to be found in the following collection(s):

Page last modified on 09 April 2022, at 16:46 GMT