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The Blackleg Miner
Black Is The Colour
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Black Is The Colour C:Trad Z:Webmaster M:4/4 L:1/4: K:G E2G2 | B3AB | | E/2(E3E2)D/2E/2 | F2D2 | B,4 | w:Black, black, black is the co-lour - of my true love's hair, z/2E/2(B3 | B/2)E/2G/(2B/2B2) | EG/2(A/2A2) | w:His lips are some - thing wond - rous - fair A3(c/2e/2) | (e2e3/2)d/2 | A3GA | (d/2c/2c2)A/2G/2 | (E4 | w:- The pur - est eyes - and the fair - - est - hands E3)z/2E/2 | (B3B/2)E/2 | (G3G/2)B/2 | E(G/2A/2)(A2 | A4) || w: - I love the ground - - - where - on he stands W:. W:1 W:Black, black, black is the colour of my true love's hair, W:Her face is fine and wondrous fair, W:The handsomest face and the gentlest hands, W:I love the ground whereon she stands. W: W:2 W:I go to the Clyde for to mourn and weep W:But satisfied I never can sleep W:I'll write to you in a few short lines W:I'll suffer death ten thousand times W: W:3 W:I love my love and well she knows W:I love the grass whereon she goes. W:If she on earth no more I see W:My life will quickly fade away W: W:4 W:The winter's past and the leaves are green, W:Gone are the days that we have seen. W:But still I hope that the time will come, W:Then you and I will be as one. W: W:5 W:Black is the colour of my true love's hair, W:Her lips are like some rosy fair W:The purest eyes and the neatest hands W:I love the ground whereon she stands.
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Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
Songs From Hazzards Huzzah