(:redirect quiet=1:) %abc-2.1 stretchlast X:1 T:English Country Garden C:Trad Z:Webmaster O:England M:4/4 L:1/4


K:C c c/2B/2 A A | G G/2F/2 E E/2F/2 | w:How ma-ny kinds of sweet flow-ers grow in an w:I'll tell you now, of some that I know, those I G C D F | E3/2 D/2 C2 :| w:Eng-lish Coun-try Gar - den w:miss you'll sure-ly par- - on c/2d/2c/2A/2 B/2A/2 G | c/2d/2c/2A/2 B/2A/2 G | w:Daf-fo-dils, hearts-ease and flocks, mead-ow sweet and li-lies, stocks, c c/2B/2 A d | B B/2A/2 G E/2F/2 | w:Gen-ti-an lu-pins tall hol-ly-hocks, Ros-es G c/2B/2 A A | G G/2F/2 E E/2F/2 | w:fox-gloves - snow-drops, for-get-me-nots in an G C E F | E3/2 D/2 C2 |] w:Eng-lish coun-try gar - den. % W: W:1 W:How many gentle flowers grow in an English country garden? W:I'll tell you now, of some that I know, those I miss you'll surely pardon. W:Daffodils, hearts-ease and flocks, meadow sweet and lilies, stocks, W:Gentian lupins tall hollyhocks, W:Roses, fox-gloves, snowdrops, forget-me-knots in an English country garden. W: W:2 W:How many insects find their home in an English country garden? W:I'll tell you now of some that I know, and those I miss, I hope you'll pardon. W:Dragonflies, moths and bees, spiders falling from the trees, W:Butterflies sway in the mild gentle breeze. W:There are hedgehogs that roam and little garden gnomes in an English country garden. W: W:3 W:How many song-birds make their nest in an English country garden? W:I'll tell you now of some that I know, and those I miss, I hope you'll pardon. W:Babbling, coo-cooing doves, robins and the warbling thrush, W:Blue birds, lark, finch and nightingale. W:We all smile in the spring when the birds all start to sing in an English country garden. % % % % % % % % % % %]


Further Information About English Country Garden

Song Notes

Folk song references:

Song to be found in the following collection(s):

Page last modified on 07 March 2022, at 4:11 GMT