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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Marianina C:Unknown composer M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:Eb B3/2 G/2 c/2c/2 G/2G/2 | A3/2 F/2 D z | c3/2 A/2 d/2d/2 c/2c/2 | B3/2 G/2 E z | w:O'er the o-cean flies a mer-ry fay Soft her wings are as a cloud of day B3/2 G/2 c/2c/2 B/2B/2 | A3/2 F/2 D z | c3/2 A/2 d/2d/2 c/2c/2 | w:As she pass-es all the blue waves say: Ma-ria-ni-na do not B B/2B/2 c/2c/2 B/2B/2 | A A/2A/2 B/2B/2 A/2A/2 | G2 e3/2 d/2 | w:roam, Wi-ther, wi-ther is your home. Come and turn us in-to foam, Ma-ria- d/2 c3/2 d3/2 c/2 | c/2 B3/2 B3/2 ^B/2 | d3/2 c/2 B/2B/2 A/2F/2 | E2 z2 || w:ni-na, Ma-ria-ni-na, Come O come and turn us in-to foam. % W: W:English W: W:1 W:O'er the ocean flies a merry fay, W:Soft her wings are as a cloud of day, W:As she passes all the blue waves say: W:"Marianina, do not roam, W:Whither, whither is your home, W:Come and turn us into foam, W:Marianina, Marianina, W:Come, O come and turn us into foam!" W: W:2 W:O'er the fields she passes to and fro, W:By the cornstalks standing row by row, W:Poppies whisper as they see her go, W:"Marianina, do not fly, W:Why so quick to pass us by, W:Come and wet us, for we’re dry, W:Marianina, Marianina, W:Come, O come and wet us, for we’re dry." W: W:3 W:O'er the mountains when the day is done, W:When the clouds are gath'ring o'er the sun, W:While they, weeping, whisper one by one- W:"Marianina, come again, W:We have tried to dance in vain, W:Come and turn us into rain, W:Marianina, Marianina, W:Come, O come and turn us into rain." W: W: W:Italian W: W:Tante volte mi dicesti W:T’amerò sino alla morte W:Vò divider la tua sorte W:Nella gioia e nel dolor. W: W:Ah! Crudel tu m’ingannasti, W:E donasti ad altro il cor. W: W:Della fede a me promessa W:Tu tradisti i giuramenti W:E scordasti i di ridenti W:Dell’ebbrezza, dell’ amor. W: W:Ah! Perchè tu m’ingannasti W:E donasti ad altro il cor? W: W:Se dal duol trafitto opreso, W:Tu morire mi vedrai, W:Non un’altro troverai W:Più costante e più fedel W: W:Ah! Perchè tu m’ingannasti W:Perchè fosti si crudel?
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Song Note
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Country of origin:
From 'Singing Together', Summer 1968, BBC Publications
Identified as 'Italian Folk Song' from J.S. Curwen's collection Folk Songs of Many Lands.
Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
After The Campfire Song Book