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The Polygon
Polly Wolly Doodle
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 %%stretchlast X:1 T:Polly Wolly Doodle C:Unknown composer O:U.S. M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=150 K:G z2 z G/2A/2 | B B G G/2B/2 | B B G "refrain"G | B/2B/2B/2B/2c/2c/2B/2B/2 | A3 F/2G/2 | w:Oh I went down south for to see my Sal Sing pol-ly-wol-ly-doo-dle all the day. My A A F B | A A F "refrain"A | d/2d/2d/2d/2 c/2c/2B/2A/2 | Gz "chorus"G/2A/2 w:Sall she am a spun-ky gal Sing pol-ly-wol-ly-dood-le all the day. Fare thee B3 G/2A/2 | B3 G/2A/2 | B B c B | A3 F/2G/2 | w:well, fare thee well, Fare thee well my fai-ry fay For I’m A/2A/2A/2A/2 F/2F/2F/2F/2 | A/2A/2A/2A/2 F/2F/2 A | d/2d/2d/2d/2 c/2c/2A/2A/2 | G3 z || w:go-in’ to Lou’-si-ana For to see my Su-zy-an-na Sing pol-ly-wol-ly-doo-dle all the day % W: W:1 W:I went down south for to see my Sal W:(ref) Sing polly-wolly-doodle all the day W:My Sall she am a spunky gal W:(ref)Sing polly-wolly-doodle all the day W:(ch)Fare thee well, fare thee well, Fare thee well my fairy fay W:For I’m goin’ to Lou’siana For to see my Suzy-anna W:Sing polly-wolly-doodle all the day W: W:2 W:Sal she is a maiden fair W:With curly eyes and laughing hair W: W:3 W:Grasshopper sittin’ on a railroad track W:A pickin’ his teeth with a carpet tack W: W:4 W:Behind the barn down on my knees W:I thought I heard a chicken sneeze W: W:5 W:He sneezed so hard wid de hoopin’ cough W:He sneezed his head and his tail right off
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Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
After The Campfire Song Book