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Poverty Knock
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:Portsmouth C:Unknown composer (tune C17th.) M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:G z2 z D | G3/2 A/2 B/2A/2G/2F/2 | E2 e2 | d B c/2B/2A/2G/2 | A3 D | w:Oh, we're the scouts * from * Ports-mouth, Mer-ry scouts * are * we. In G3/2 A/2 B/2A/2G/2F/2 | E2 e2 | d B c/2B/2A/2B/2 | G2 z d | w:fair or stor - my * wea-ther Hap-py we * shall * be We'll g3/2 a/2 b/2a/2g/2f/2 | g d2 B | g B c/2B/2A/2G/2 | A3 D | w:roam o'er moor - and - mea-dow moun - tain lake * or * sea, To G3/2 A/2 B/2A/2G/2F/2 | E2 e2 | d B c/2B/2A/2B/2 | G3 z || w:show that scouts * from * Ports-mouth ev-er shall * be * free % W: W:Oh, were the scouts from Portsmouth W:Merry scouts are we W:In fair or stormy weather W:Happy we shall be W:We'll roam o'er moor or meadow, mountain lake or sea W:To show that scouts from Portsmouth ever shall be free.
Version 2
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Version 3
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Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
After The Campfire Song Book