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Ship In Distress
She Sat On A Lilac
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%abc-2.1 %%stretchlast X:1 T:She sat on a lilac T:Oh How He Lied C:Unknown composer M:3/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=150 K:F z z c | c A B | c A B | c e3/2 d/2 | c2 c | w:She sat on a li-lac and played her gui-tar Played e3/2 d/2 c | z/2 c/2 e3/2 d/2 | c z c | c A B | c A B | w:her gui-tar played her gui-tar She sat on a li-lac and c e3/2 d/2 | c2 z | d3 | e2 c | f c A | F2 z || w:played her gui-tar Played her gui-ta-a-a-ar % W: W:She sat on a lilac and played her guitar. W: W:He sat down beside her and smoked his cigar. W: W:He said that he lov’d her, but, Oh, how he lied. W: W:They were to be married but somehow she died. W: W:He went to the fu-ne-ral just for the ride. W: W:He sat on her tombstone and laughed ‘til he cried. W: W:He caught a pneumonia, and that’s how he died. W: W:She went up to Heaven and flip-flap she FLEW. W: W:He went down to Hades and frizzled and fried. W: W:The moral of this story is, “Don’t tell a lie.
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Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
After The Campfire Song Book