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The Holy Ground
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Version 1
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%abc-2.1 X:1 T:The Holy Ground Z:Webmaster C:Luke Kelly M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D z4 z2 DE| F3 AA-GE-C| D3- E D2 E2| F2 A2A-GE-C| D6 FG| w:Ad-ieu to you my - own true love a thous-and times - ad -ieu -- We're - A2 A2 B2 cc| d2 d2 c2 BB| A2 F2D-E F2| E6D-E| w:go-ing away from the ho-ly ground and the girls that we - love true We will F3 AA-GE-C| D3- E D2 E2| F2 A2 B2 c2| w:sail the - sea - ov-er and then ret-urn for shore To d6 A2| d3 c B2 A2| B2 A2 F2D-E| F3 AA-GE-C| D2| DE w:see ag-ain our - ve-ry sweet loves and the ho-ly ground - once - more. The - M:4/4 | F2 A2 B2 c2| d6 A2| d3 c B2 A2| B2 A2 F2D-E| F3 AA-GE-C| D6 z2|| w:girl I do ad-ore. And still I live in hope to see - the ho-ly - ground - once more. % W:(shout) Fine girls ye are! W: W:1 W:Adieu to you my own true love, a thousand times adieu W: We're going away from the holy ground and the girls that we love true. W:We will sail the sea over and then return for shore W: To see again our very sweet loves and the holy ground once more. W: W:ch W:(shout) Fine girls ye are! W:The girl I do adore. W: And still I live in hope to see the holy ground once more. W: W:2 W:I see the storm cloud arising, I see it coming soon. W: And the sky it is so cloudy, I can scarcely see the moon. W:The good ship she was tossing about, the rig it was all torn, W: And still I live in hope to see the holy ground once more. W: W:3 W: And now the storm is over and we are safe on shore W: We will drink and toast to the holy ground and the girls that we adore. W: We will drink strong ale and porter and make the rafters roar, W: And when our money is all spent, we'll go to sea once more.
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Song Note
Song by
Luke Kelly
Country of origin:
Folk song references:
Song to be found in the following collection(s):
My Own Song Book