The songs in this list are from the folder of songs that I collected over the years, starting with some old broadsheets found in Birmingham (UK) reference library.
Over the years I have listened to them and sometimes sung them myself, especially when a member at the Meadow Folk Club.
- All My Trials
- Allentown Gaol
- The Beautiful Cedars
- Been On The Road
- The Box
- The Calico Printers Clerk
- Chastity Belt
- Chilly Winds
- The Circle Game
- The Collier Lad
- Colours
- The Dancing Song
- Dark As A Dungeon
- The Deaf Womans Courtship
- The Devil
- Dick Darby The Cobbler
- The Dog Licence
- Don't Think Twice
- Drill Ye Tarriers Drill
- Drink Old Aston Dry
- The False Bride (I Once Loved A Lass)
- The Family Of Man
- Fire And Rain
- Four Strong Winds
- Freight Train
- The Gift Of A Brand New Day
- The Greenland Fisheries
- Going For A Soldier Jenny
- Good Old Brummagem
- The Gypsy
- Handsome Molly
- Hard Case
- Henry Lee
- Here Come The Navvies
- Hey Sandy
- The House Carpenter
- The Holy Ground
- Home Boys Home
- Hush Little Baby
- I Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound
- I Can See A New Day
- I Wish I Was Back In Liverpool
- If You Could Read My Mind
- I Just Can't Wait
- I'm Looking For A Job
- The Irish Rover
- The Juice Of The Barley
- Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
- Lady Mary
- Land Of The Carrion Crow
- The Last Thing On My Mind
- Leave Them A Flower
- Leaving Of Liverpool
- The Little Drummer?
- Lord Of The Dance
- Leaving On A Jet Plane
- Light Flight?
- Love Minus Zero - No Limit?
- The Manchester Rambler
- A Martin Said To His Man
- Mattie Groves
- Mary Hamilton
- The Mermaid
- Mister Irishman?
- Morning Town Ride
- Oh What A Beautiful City
- Old Dun Cow
- Old Man's Tale
- Old Joe Clarke
- One Too Many Mornings?
- One Of Us Can't Be Wrong?
- Ox Driving Song
- Rattler
- Remember The Alamo
- Rigs Of The Time
- Rosin The Bow
- Sannty Anno?
- The Ballad Of Old Seth Davy?
- Shoals Of Herring
- Silver Dagger
- Song Of Proliferation
- The Sound Of Silence?
- South Australia
- Streets Of London
- The Swapping Song?
- Sweet Baby James?
- Tell Old Bill?
- This Land Is Your Land?
- This Little Light Of Mine?
- Times Are A Changing?
- To Try For The Sun?
- Travelling People?
- The Trees They Do Grow High?
- Two Summers?
- Universal Soldier?
- The Water Is Wide ?
- What Have They Done To The Rain?
- The Wild Colonial Boy?
- The Wild Rover?
- Will Ye Go Lassie Go?
- Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues?
- Wizard Of Alderley Edge?
- Woman From Wexford?
- Vandy Vandy?
- You Can Tell The World?